• 133.99
Overall Rating 5   44
I have to say that I'm really excited about this filter and I really enjoy using it, it has almost no color cast and no X pattern either. When filming, you can easily turn the filter from ND8 to ND128 and thus always perfectly comply with the 180° shutter rule.
The build quality is also very high and it doesn't feel like a $70-$80 filter at all.
I would buy again and again
Great filter for filming
Since I discovered photography as a new hobby, I was looking for different filters. With this ND filter, you can turn day into night and thus make long exposures during the day and at dusk. Through the manual settings of the filter, msn can adjust this to the appropriate surroundings and lighting conditions. Magnetic Variable ND Filter, the installation is very fast, you won't miss a moment I totally recommend this filter.
Magnetic Variable ND Filter, Top
Exactly what I was looking for. I'm often on the road during the day and like to take long exposures. But since the camera settings are not enough, I looked for a Magnetic Variable Filter so that I can change filters in 10 seconds. I've had great results so far.
great impression great impression
So that you can form your own opinion, I have uploaded the pictures here without any editing. After post-processing, the pictures are really world class... There are no wrong colors at all. It can also be used in the wilderness when panning for gold. A tripod is highly recommended.
great quality great quality great quality
I used this Magnetic ND Filter ND8-ND128 which is a pretty good wide angle lens and I didn't observe any vignetting which is a good thing. There was no visible loss in image quality as well as across the entire gradient. Installation is very easy, happy to recommend!
A must for all photographers
Very easy to use. The filters are easy to replace and firmly padded.
Easily interchangeable and no nuances that are not unchanged in the photo
Received within the agreed period. I think for a beginner like me they are of pretty good quality. And the fact that they're magnetized seems like the bomb to me, the thing about not having to screw them in is milk.
I think it's a good product. I am happy with the purchase.
This set of filters surprised me not only because of the convenience of use and transport, small footprint, minimal weight, but also because of the returned image quality. Photos are free from chromatic aberration, ghost lights or unwanted reflections (see photos attached to this report). Very handy especially when I go out with family.
The picture quality is really GOOD. I posted images to demonstrate the lack of obvious chromatic aberrations by enlarging the image to 100%.
The truth is sometimes awkward to carry the spiral filters, especially in adverse situations where, for example, it's cold and you're wearing gloves, there's a lot of wind, you're very close to a waterfall, and there's spray, etc. It has also happened to me once that I put the filter on the target for a while and then took it out so I found it interesting to try the K&F magnetic filters, I find it a comfortable system with a good one Price-performance ratio.
I have to say that I have never used filters - this is my first try.
I like ND filters. I don't see any discoloration or Sharpnes loss in images.
I wish they had a set for 92mm lenses.